Artist Statement
Storytelling is the engine that drives creativity. This has become my focus on design over the last couple of years. Through storytelling, I find the ability to place complex cultural and personal visions in a visualized and understandable manner. Through these stories, I hope to connect people with each other by finding meaning, interests or a connection through the bodies of work I create and design.
Creativity and design have been a major topic in my life since I can
remember. My first memory of being interested in design was when Charly and The Chocolate Factory came out in 2005. All other kids in the cinema were interested in the delicious candy showed on the screen, while for some reason I was fixated on how awesome it was that the
delivery trucks had their own Wonka identity, followed up by weeks of me drawing my own factories with their own respectable identities.
remember. My first memory of being interested in design was when Charly and The Chocolate Factory came out in 2005. All other kids in the cinema were interested in the delicious candy showed on the screen, while for some reason I was fixated on how awesome it was that the
delivery trucks had their own Wonka identity, followed up by weeks of me drawing my own factories with their own respectable identities.
When I started high school, I enrolled in a school that specialized
in Grafimedia. Besides the regular courses, I was introduced to
screen-printing, audiovisual design, print media, web design, music,
and drawing. Following high school, I enrolled in the media design course at Grafisch Lyceum Rotterdam, a mbo college. Here, I specialized in corporate design. After mbo, I got accepted into the Graphic Design Bachelor program at the Willem de Kooning Academy.
in Grafimedia. Besides the regular courses, I was introduced to
screen-printing, audiovisual design, print media, web design, music,
and drawing. Following high school, I enrolled in the media design course at Grafisch Lyceum Rotterdam, a mbo college. Here, I specialized in corporate design. After mbo, I got accepted into the Graphic Design Bachelor program at the Willem de Kooning Academy.
And that is where I am right now, in my final year of the Willem de Kooning Academy. Throughout the last couple of years, I’ve been putting my focus on identity design and how I can tell the story of not only the organization, but also the culture surrounding it into my designs. During my graduation project, I am developing a method on how I, personally can achieve this.
After achieving this through the graduation project, I hope to enroll into the Master Design course at the Piet Zwart Institute. Here, I would like to expand my personal method of designing for a cultural heritage into a vision for the future of the design landscape of The Netherlands.
If you are interested in working together, have a job offer, or are looking for a graphic designer, please send me a message using the contact form on this page. I will try to answer your message as quickly as possible.
If you are interested in working together, have a job offer, or are looking for a graphic designer, please send me a message using the contact form on this page. I will try to answer your message as quickly as possible.
Thank you!